Ranma One-Half

Ranma the little tabby cat - The cat, you and us

Although our friend Anna was part of the club of people who used to be scared of cats, cat pheromones have done their job and finally Anna & Albert have become two new pawns of the plan for world feline domination (should I add an evil meow here?).

They have adopted Ranma (ok, maybe Ranma adopted them), a little orange tabby kitty addicted to purr over your lap. She won our hearts at first sight, so we couldn’t resist to take a couple of pictures to share our joy with you all.

Juno was very happy from the moment when, through Instagram, she learnt about Ranma existence. She quickly prepared a little present for her new cousin with two of her favorite things in the whole world; unfortunately, we are not her two favorites things, she is such a materialist cat…

Follow us and meet Ranma, the new member of the family! She sure will continue making guest appearances on the cat, you and us!

Ranma the little tabby cat - The cat, you and us Albert & Ranma - The cat, you and us

She was born three months ago, and she moved with Anna&Albert two weeks ago.

Anna & Ranma - The cat, you and us

Anna new tatoo showing for the first time on our blog. Ranma can’t take her eyes from the dragon!

Juno presents to Ranma - The cat, you and us

Juno was sorry for not being in attendance that day and sent an apologetic present to her new cousin: a little mouse toy and soft malt (it’s like candy for cats)

Damaris & Ranma - The cat, you and us

Damaris paying respects to the new beauty. She has always liked cats, wise girl!

Ranma peek a boo - The cat, you and us

She was a little scared at first – two crazy dudes following you with a camera all over your house, who will not be?

Ranma & her mouse - The cat, you and us

But we had a secret plan prepared…

Well played - The cat, you and us

Hide until she wasn’t scared, what a genius plan!

Ranma - The cat, you and us Ranma good side - The cat, you and us Ranma one step - The cat, you and us

When she realized that in fact we are not that scary she started playing like crazy ;)

Ranma chasing a wire - The cat, you and us Ranma & Dani - The cat, you and us Ranma catching all our attention - The cat, you and us

But who are we kidding, as a good cousin of Juno she will always prefer to rest than wasting energy on trivial games (maybe they are more into online gaming?).

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  1. frotfrot ADDS...

    Ohhh m’ encanten les fotos!!!!
    Moltes gracies!!!!
    A ver si per la proxima podem ensenyarli a fer alguns trucs jajaj

    10th January 2014
  2. Albert ADDS...

    Hehe, que petitona se la veu!
    Està esperant amb ganes econèixer a la seva cosina ;-)

    10th January 2014
  3. Oh my gosh! What a beautiful little baby! :Looks just like my little orange cat, Pumpkin!

    10th January 2014
  4. shayla ADDS...

    ranma is just ADORABLE. the cat and the name :)

    10th January 2014
  5. Jane Y. ADDS...

    adorable. ranma 1/2 was the first anime which got me hooked in manga and animation. perhaps ranma will turn into shampoo? :) looking forward to seeing more of her!

    10th January 2014
  6. oh my goodness this kitten!!! what a heart breaker and clearly the life of the party : ). my hubs never liked cats as well before we got ours, now he’s obsessed, he even stops on his bike rides home from work so say hi to strays.

    10th January 2014
  7. Mariko ADDS...

    Ranma is adorable! I love how extra big and fluffy kitten paws are! All out of proportion and extra cute!

    10th January 2014
  8. Awwwwww Ranma you little ball of of meowness, you won my heart!

    10th January 2014
  9. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    OMGOSH! My heart instantly melt :P Ranma
    is cute! Haha I laughed about Juno ‘preparing
    her 2 favorite things in the world’ :P I hope
    lots of happiness will come from this! And
    of course pictures! Xx

    11th January 2014
  10. leeda ADDS...

    aww Ranma is adorable! congratulations to the new owners! i wish i wasn’t allergic to cats! every time i see pictures of juno i wish i wasn’t and now with ranma photos oh dear, the cuteness attacks i’ll have!

    at this volume

    11th January 2014
  11. Angela ADDS...

    Ah! Too much cute!! I can barely handle it! I want to steal her!! So adorable hahaha

    12th January 2014
  12. Fiona ADDS...

    I love that there are more, used to be scared, peeps out there, he he he! I also love that we now all love cats :) :) Ranma is a super cutie! I’m so jealous, I want a cat super bad but I have to wait until Ben gets a big break off of work, he is too scared that the kitty will bond with me too much and not like him when he comes back from work :P silly I say!

    btw: I’m going to guess Juno and Ranma will eventually meet…I look forward to the day :)

    12th January 2014
  13. Louise ADDS...

    Oh goodness, this is so cute!! I know there are lots of people who are or used to be scared for cats but ohhhhhh, this one melts my heart! :o

    12th January 2014
  14. Erika Lee Sears ADDS...

    Awww adorable! I think orange kitties are the best kind.

    13th January 2014
  15. Sara ADDS...

    awwwwwwwwww so adorable ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

    14th January 2014

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