Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud (or should I better say... profoundly ashamed?) to present the outtakes and bloopers of this 2016!...
Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud (or should I better say... profoundly ashamed?) to present the outtakes and bloopers of this 2016!...
Hello! Today I'm here for a quick check-in to let you know that some of my wish-listed Christmas gifts made it to our home. Santa is just the best, isn't he?...
Hey ho! And with the blink of an eye Christmas is over! Why I find it every year happening faster and faster? ...
This year Juno all alone peeks out to wish a happy holidays to my favorite gang! We wish you from the bottom of our hearts a lovely season, full of love, and ok... also yummy food and some gifts - those never hurt anyone! ;) ...
Hello sweeties! We missed last weekly date for a good reason, we were working hard to release all our photography coverage of last Festivalet craft winter market....
Hello there! We are making a quick halt to the Japan stories to give the blog a little of the season cinnamon & fudge flavour, so here is an update on how our home currently looks like for Christmas....
No matter if it may sound as a fangirl or not (ha!), this post shows possibly one of the happiest days of the trip: our visit to Tokyo DisneySea!...
Here we have the first post of our Japan travel diary!! Our first stop in this journey is the greatest Tokyo, visiting Shibuya during Halloween, Ramen Street, Shinjuku and Harajuku. ...