As of late… snapshots from September

Celler de Can Roca - The cat, you and us

This September was quite hectic for us, we usually take an excuse my birthday to have some days off but this year due to my work I was only able to have one single day off. The rest of the month has been quite uneventful, so I think that's the reason we only have pictures of my birthday celebration and a just couple more. Nevertheless, I would love if you could join me to remember that day, and hence the month, through our phone pics, shall we?...

NYC addresses, eating our way through the city!

NYC Guide - The cat, you and us

Before wrapping up this amazing experience in New York we would like to share the best addresses we compiled, from many many blogs, and tried once we were there. So be prepared for lots of yummy & tested addresses ahead in our NYC guide!...

As of late… snapshots summer edition

Cosmo La Central - The cat, you and us

We are bringing the snapshots back! A couple of days ago we were planning the calendar for the blog and had a sudden realization: we have been neglecting the snapshots section since April (!). But is never too late and we have today a refreshing summer edition with the snaps from our phones from May to August; there's always a silver lining, right? ...

NYC: I ♥ Soho

Arlo Soho Hotel NYC - The cat, you and us

We are back home & back at blogging with a fuller heart. Our summer vacation in the UK last week - did you check our Instagram stories? - was very healing, I guess it has something to do with a mix between the fresh air and the cream teas ^wink^ As you can imagine, we have yet to edit too many pictures to be able to show them today but we still had two special (for us!) posts left from New York, hoping they will make the wait a sweet one....

NYC: An evening in Times Square

Times Square in the evening - The cat, you and us

And from the first glance... Times Square is a crazy spot to visit. The other day I was reading a fun quote telling that Times Square is the place in New York with less New Yorkers. For what we could witness ...

NYC: Graffitis in Brooklyn

Brookyn graffiti - The cat, you and us

How would be like to live in Brooklyn? During our time in New York we visited one of the most famous neighborhoods in Brooklyn, called Williamsburg. It is known for being a trendy area, with...