Starting 2018, at full speed?

Train to New Year - The cat, you and us

Happy 2018! We are officially starting the year today with a brand new photoshoot at one of our fav locations in Barcelona, tuut! According to our book there's nothing better than to wish you new adventures and travels, and the train definitely conveys all of that, right?...

The worst of 2017: bloopers recap

Bloppers 2017 - The cat, you and us

We couldn't miss our annual date to show you those blooper, and mostly photo bombs, that our cameras captures in-between the good takes during the whole year. So, ladies & gentlemen, here we are to present the third edition of our worst of 2017! Hope we can rise a smile from you to end this year....

LOVE to you & yours!

Happy Christmas - The cat, you and us

Happy Christmas! I know this may be a little spoiler for those lazy cards (mailing services, argg!) that didn't got in time to your homes, but hey, this is a digital advance of our love! Merry days!...

Last-minute Christmas DIY and holidays home decor

Xmas DIY - The cat, you and us

Happy season! I'm glad to finally trigger the season here in this little blog of ours (at last!). We have sent all our Christmas cards and hope Rudolph guided correctly the mailman to your home! I know some of them have arrived save and sound, thanks for letting me know! *happy face*...

Cotswolds: The most beautiful English town

Bibury - The cat, you and us

We are back in the Cotswolds today! I know the title can be a little confusing, as there are lots of gorgeous towns in England that could rise that first prize trophy. We are bringing today our experience at Bibury, a quaint & chqrming textile town by the Coln riverside that makes you fall in love even more with the Cotswolds....


Up inspired photoshoot - The cat, you and us

What are we doing with a big bunch of colorful balloons on a November day? Well, it is always a good idea...