誕生日おめでとう Happy birthday, Daniel-kun!

The Roastery Harajuku - The cat, you and us

Happy birthday to Daniel!

Today this dapper coffee addict is celebrating his birthday, tuut!

I am sharing pictures from the first very day at Japan, after 23h of closing our home door, we landed, got to our hotel & then went for a walk around Harajuku. He looks so handsome in these pictures and not tired at all – unlike me! I will spare you my Japan Day 0 pics, don’t worry, ha! – I know the reason was that he was the happiest at his happiest place, so it just makes sense that I share them today, right?

Tower Records - The cat, you and us

Elevator selfie - The cat, you and us
Love you, my Daniel-sama!

Happy birthday to the love of my life, the best cat daddy and adventures companion.

Tower Records - The cat, you and us
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  1. Nieves ADDS...

    Me gusta la selección que has hecho, de vuestro viaje a Japón!! Para celebrar el cumpleaños de Dani, un lugar que a él le encanta. Felicidades.

    10th May 2019
  2. Happy belated birthday Daniel!!! Hehe love that last pic :)

    12th May 2019
  3. Fiona ADDS...

    awwww so sweet! I hope Dani had a super lovely birthday!!!

    13th May 2019

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