2nd wedding anniversary: recreating the awkwardness

Wedding anniversary: recreating the awkwardness - The cat, you and us

Today is our second wedding anniversary! tuut tuut! And to celebrate we have been inspired by the rad Awkward family photos in their recreating the awkwardness series. During our first year dating we took the first picture on one day in between classes at our University (this park is next to our college) and since then it has been with us: first displayed at Dani’s parents home in his bedroom and then, when we moved in together, it joined us in our living room. Since then that picture is standing in our red shelf in its silver frame; a sweet reminder of how different but still just the same those two kiddos are.

We thought it would be fun to try to recreate the same place and the same pose but still reflecting our new, older & I like to think that improved (ha!) us. When I see both pictures I can not help but smile at the fact that my younger me would have never in her wildest dreams foresee she will be so loved by this man, a big kiss to the hubs! and sorry everyone for the cheesiness.

We are planning on printing the new picture to put it next to the other one in our shelf. What do you think? Should we go ahead or is it better to leave the first one all alone?

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  1. Happy anniversary to you two! I love both pictures, it’s really great!

    20th October 2014
    • We reply...

      thanks!! :)

  2. Elisse ADDS...

    That’s really such a wonderful idea! It would be so great to look back at all those pictures in a couple of years. Now you can already see the different, but I can’t imagine how funny and amusing it must be to look back in 10 or even 20 years :)

    20th October 2014
    • We reply...

      hahahaha, Ooops in 20 years it would be a huge shock to look back at the first one :)

  3. Jane Y. ADDS...

    oh my gosh! you guys look so young! that’s in college? :) so so cute. i love photo series like this. i wished me, yangkyu and piri did this when piri first started living with us. perhaps it’s not too late to start :) xx

    20th October 2014
    • We reply...

      I know! Looking at them I see little kiddos not University students, right? :) thanks Jane xx

  4. Pilar ADDS...

    happy anniversary!!! You look so cute in both pictures! <3 I think it´s a really good idea. You could keep adding pictures to the series! x

    20th October 2014
    • We reply...

      Thank you Pilar! We’ll keep the series going, although this already made quite an impact on us seeing them next to each other, hahahha

  5. petra ADDS...

    very cute pics. you should definitely keep them together. how old were you in that first pic. you look sooooo young :)

    21st October 2014
    • We reply...

      We were 19 :) but I guess looked younger than that? we’ll print the new one and find a frame!

  6. Fiona ADDS...

    ahh eep this is way too awesome – look how little you guys were! Super happy Anniversary and yay for finding each other and saying together through all the years! Three Cheers!! I think this picture beside each other would look super cute :)

    21st October 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Fee! ♥ ♥ I will start finding a frame ;)

  7. Albert ADDS...

    Mare quina fila! Doncs no havia vist mai aquesta foto, si es que soc poc xafarder. Els arbres han crescut tant com vosaltres!

    21st October 2014
    • We reply...

      Jajjajajaja, sí, i això que en Dani aquí ja no portava el cabell llarg, eh. Mola veure el tronc de l’arbre del darrera lo fortot que s’ha posat :)

  8. Anna ADDS...

    Ei moltes felicitats! jo tampoc havia vist la foto.. que monos jejeje Passeu-ho be!!

    22nd October 2014
    • We reply...

      Jajajajajja, merci guapa!!! Quan vingueu a casa us l’ensenyem d’aprop ;)

  9. adorable!! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    24th October 2014
  10. oh yeah, and happy belated anniversary! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    24th October 2014
    • We reply...

      hahahhaah, thanks! ♥

  11. Lucila ADDS...

    Sempre he pensat que el temps ens ha tractat, a tots plegats, molt bé (si en tens algun dubte, recupera un dia d’aquests les nostres fotos amb 15 anys… :D

    26th October 2014
    • We reply...

      jajajjajaja, sí, fan por de veure algunes pintes ;) ara les d’en Dani tres quarts del mateix, pensa que fins i tot va tenir una època amb cabell llarg ;)

  12. annie lee ADDS...

    this is the cutest!!! happy second anniversary to your couple :)

    6th November 2014
    • We reply...

      Aw, thanks Annie!

  13. oh my gosh you two are the cutest!!! what a brilliant idea, love it xx

    9th November 2014

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