Happy Valentine’s day! ♥
Hello love birds! We are sticking our heads out on a Sunday morning to wish you a sweet day. Whether you are a big fan or detractor of this type of celebrations there is no denying that love is always a good thing to celebrate, in fact we should create a happy un-valentine’s day to celebrate everyday love, shouldn’t we?

Dress: The Whitepepper (shortened), Coat: a Harajuku store, can’t remember the name (oldie), Necklace: DIY, Shoes: Rukies

After discovering a new ramen place in town (maybe you have already seen our Instagram picture) we walked around and went to the most passionate wall in Barcelona, the kiss collage! This big collage wall is made of tiny pictures people freely sent to the project that represented a moment of happiness in their lives. The pictures in it couldn’t be more different one from the other, and that’s make it even more amazing: happiness is indeed different for everyone and at the same time made out of little tiny moments, like those.

Our plans for today include a lunch with friends and an exciting date to see Rent, the musical, at the theatre. It’s been more than 15 years since I saw Rent live for the first time and it was my first ever musical, which of course became my favorite. Since then my obsession for musicals has only grown. I think I have to “blame” (thank would be more appropriate) my friend Lucila, whom introduced me when we were teens.

Happy day my sweet pals! I am off to all those wonderful adventures of today. We’ll be back next week, a wind from the east will surely make us fly faster to the blog.
You DIY-ed that necklce *gasp* shall we start calling you queen of the cross stitch :) :) You’re both looking very cute (especially love the matching red shoes!) and the wall is the perfect backdrop :) Super Happy Valentines day lovebirds!!!
I adore the wall!!! What a great idea picking different pics and getting into one huge image! I zoom on your pics several times to see clearly :))
That necklace is so sweet! And what a neat mural. Montreal is better than some cities for public art, but I think it could definitely learn a thing or two from Barcelona.
In love with your outfit, that collage wall is beautiful, ramen dates are favorites for my and my boyfriend too, and you guys are SO FREAKING CUTE.
So cute :) hope you had a lovely v day~~
This is Dani, Juno & Damaris.
Our heads are full with photography,
our hearts stay in Japan.
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