South Wales: Worm’s head

Worms' head - The cat, you and us

We are back this week with the next to last chapter of our adventures in South Wales. As always this is a bittersweet moment for me because unashamedly I live for a second time our trip by sharing our favorite highlights with all of you while reading your comments make it extra special. More bitter than sweet this week because I’m away on a work travel and thus not having near the fun as we had back there in the land of dragons.

Today we have a very special Welsh adventure for the physical challenge (for us! we are not the super trekkie type) and for how revealing of the true nature of their wonderful lands it was: Rhossili Bay & Worm’s head. Rhossili bay is located on the Gower peninsula, which altogether with the Pembrokeshire coast was a part from the South Welsh coast we didn’t want to miss. The trail is interesting because it includes two separated parts that cover both the more hardcore walkers, if you dare to cross the worm’s head, and the more prairie dancers (that will be us!) if you get only to the beginning of the crossing point.

Rhossili Bay - The cat, you and us Rhossili Bay - The cat, you and us Rhossili Bay - The cat, you and us Rhossili Bay - The cat, you and us Rhossili Bay to Worms head - The cat, you and us Rhossili Bay - The cat, you and us Rhossili Bay to Worms head - The cat, you and us Rhossili Bay to Worms head - The cat, you and us Rhossili Bay to Worms head - The cat, you and us Rhossili Bay to Worms head - The cat, you and us Worms' head - The cat, you and us Worms' head - The cat, you and us Worms' head - The cat, you and us

Although we previously believed we would be too scared to cross (& our equipment does not match rough roads), the reality is that once we got there we all were unanimous with our eagerness to try it: the road seen from above looked like out of another world and as the sci-fi geeks we are, we wished to feel part of that movie-looking scenario. Once you descend, we discovered that it was a vast (more than it looks in the pictures) brown & black land sprinkled with quite lots of water puddles of different sizes.

Worms' head - The cat, you and us Worms' head - The cat, you and us Worms' head - The cat, you and us Worms' head - The cat, you and us Worms' head - The cat, you and us Worms' head - The cat, you and us

It was simply extraordinary to discover that the brown color was due to the rocks being completely covered with shells and the black parts where in fact millions of little mussels splattered around and just waiting to the sea to come back to them.

When you reach the other side, you’re welcomed by a large warning signal explaining that if the tide catches you on the Worm’s head you must never try to cross swimming but instead patiently wait until someone hears the little tiniest bell that was next to the sign and that you’re supposed to ring continuously. Also, we couldn’t get out of our heads how the mountain and its surroundings reminded us of a landscape that would appear on a Lost episode, which did not help going along with the bell explanation, ha!

Worms' head - The cat, you and us Worms' head - The cat, you and us Worms' head - The cat, you and us Worms' head - The cat, you and us Worms' head - The cat, you and us

When we posted our Worm’s head picture on Instagram the cute Kathryn told us how it reminded her of the movie Submarine which at that time we had yet to watch. When we came home we ran to the store to get a copy and watch it, and I’m so happy we did that I seize now to extend the recommendation to all of you. Since then this pictures hold for me a special (maybe weird if you can tell from the movie ;P) atmosphere and I was too excited to share them, really hope you like them as much!

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  1. From a distance, it looks like the land is barren, but it’s so amazing to find tiny ecosystems everywhere! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    29th October 2014
  2. Fiona ADDS...

    That bell system is so funny! How rad about the mussels and the interesting shapes and colours of the land, I would definitely love to explore, looks like my cup of tea – ohh and close up of your shoes – yup they are super cute! Oh and that photo of you and Dani, is extra extra cute :) he he he

    30th October 2014
  3. Jane Y. ADDS...

    I love all your pictures but I love the one with Dani pointing to the danger sign and smiling! :)

    30th October 2014
  4. petra ADDS...

    beautiful. beautiful. beautiful. and I can’t believe I lived so close for so many years without ever spending any decent amount of time there…

    31st October 2014
  5. Rae ADDS...

    Loving these photos. Wales looks absolutely amazing. I want to travel there someday as well.
    I would love to take a trip like this – and kudos to you guys for hike on!

    rae of love from berlin

    1st November 2014
  6. Marlen ADDS...

    Aww prairie dancers- that was the cutest description. Wales looks beautiful; I’d hang out in that countryside for hours, just staring at it. I also really like how your red coat pops against the milky backdrop. It looks very fun :)

    xo marlen
    Messages on a Napkin

    1st November 2014
  7. CharloJiho ADDS...

    It’s a lovely place ! Your blog is really beautiful <3 !

    2nd November 2014
  8. Sara ADDS...

    oh i want to go there :)

    3rd November 2014

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