Sea, dinos and zombies

Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us

Hello lovelies! Thanks for the sweet words about our travel pictures at Carcassonne! I always enjoy travel talking with you. We are this week back again with our current posts explaining our daily endeavours, that this time are movie related: we are in the middle of our Sitges film festival agenda.

Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us

I’m wearing an old denim vest with some of my favorite pins, striped t-shirt from Brandy Melville and orange shorts from PepaLoves (on sale).

Enamel pins - The cat, you and us

Aren’t my pins cute, two come from Australia (here & here), the pinwheel is from City of Industry (sold-out in my colors, other colors. And what about the piñata? I adore it! Dani reading this? *wink*)

Empire Strikes Back - The cat, you and us

Sitges Film Festival is our yearly date with the latest horror, thriller, sci-fi and fantasy movies (quite perfect for a Halloween-esque October) which takes place at a seaside town 30 minutes away from Barcelona. We started a few years ago watching a single movie, went to a couple on the following years and we are currently watching over 13 movies in a week, ha! We are sharing this addiction with our friends Anna and Albert. In fact, Anna has been visiting the festival from way earlier than us, and was a great conversation starter discovering that we had this in common when we met her.

Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us Sitges streets decor - The cat, you and us Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us I am your father - The cat, you and us Dino tights - The cat, you and us

My Jurassic Park tights, although not strongly related to the festival, were a hit! Many people gave me high fives.

Although it would be convenient to have the festival in Barcelona, I really love the venue so I wouldn’t change the location not a single bit: the town itself is a gorgeous visit but its specially fun with all the movie fans walking around. Moreover when you can stumble upon a zombie at any time.

Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us

Warning: Zombies on the loose

We are sharing some of the zombies we ran into in pictures. Kudos to the make-up artists!

Zombies Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us Zombies Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us Zombies Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us Zombies Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us Zombies Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us Zombies Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us

We can’t share our favorite movies yet, because we haven’t watched them all, but still our best hopes & bets are for the following:

Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us

Have you already been able to watch any of the following? Which one catches more your attention? Hope you liked my go to the movies outfit & all the zombies galore!

Sitges 2015 - The cat, you and us
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  1. Nazlıgül ADDS...

    Ohh,dear another beautiful post! I love your style so much! Don’t forget to stop by to my blog!

    Nazlıgül | on my own way

    14th October 2015
    • We reply...

      Thanks! I’ll stop by :)

  2. Mariko ADDS...

    I’m very excited for The Witch and obviously MacBeth. And let me know how Boy & The Beast is. It sounds like exactly the kind of anime I love. Oh, and Damaris your tights are amazing!

    14th October 2015
    • We reply...

      Ohh! Both The Witch and Macbeth were pretty intense in their own ways, wonderful to watch not comfortable though :) The Boy and the Beast was a fun time although for me not as appealing as Summer Wars or Wolf Children, but worthy to watch of course! :) Thanks dear Mariko! :*

  3. Jules ADDS...

    Love the tights, but nice outfit in general!! Dani, casual as usual but very elegant! xDD
    Kisses to both of you…primicoooos!!

    15th October 2015
    • We reply...

      Thanks dear Jules! We miss you lots! Big kiss to your little family of three too: Sonia and Yoshi ;)

  4. Fiona ADDS...

    13 movies in a week *gasp* you guys are awesomely crazy!! he he he! Yay for pin love!! and such a super cute outfit, I would of complimented you on your tights for sure :) Love all the zombie photos (especially those captain boys!) and can’t wait to hear which movies turned out to be your favourites!

    19th October 2015
    • We reply...

      Hahahahha, we are pretty movie crazy! Although I have to admit that we are certainly surpassed by lots of other attendants in the number of movies (some reach a 30-40 sum easily). The captain boys were also my favorite zombies, love how creative the costumes have turned out this last years. We also stumbled upon a couple (mom and daughter) of zombies dresses as the granny, little red riding hood, with the wolf inside the basket :)

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