Rudolph the cat: a DIY Light-up Christmas felt wreath

DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us

Light-up !

DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us

Yesterday was a bank holiday here in Spain, so we thought the best way to spend that extended weekend would be by bringing Christmas to our home. Join me by screaming: C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S !

Having a little more time than usual, we felt that I could give a craft a try, and we were really eager to try a favorite project from the Duduá craft book: The light-up Christmas felt wreath. It was super cute, Christmasy, and got Dani interested by integrating a led (which totally counted as electronic job for him, ha!). Of course, we had to give it a little “The cat, you and us” twist, and like this… Rudolph the cat was born! Hope the authors of the craft will approve.

DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us

The Duduá craft book (do you remember that we were featured with two pictures?) proposes this Christmas wreath that includes a boy with a little bow tie and a led nose that lights up when you touch the bow tie. Therefore, you must sew a little basic circuit to allow the button to work, fun! We loved it as it was but knew we had to give it a personal touch by changing the boy for a cat (as Sherlock would say: obvious! – we are watching the BBC series now and are loving it).

The steps are the same ones as explained so nicely in the book (the pictures do help!), cut the felt leaves in several colors (they offer a pattern that we used) and glue them to a porexpan wreath and add little red accents. If you decide to stop here you will already have a beautiful wreath for your Christmas decor. We loved the led and the head popping on the bottom, so we kept on drawing our own cat shape and little pink ears, cut the bow (for this one used the same pattern of the book) and sew the eyes.

DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us

Here starts the trickier part: the electric circuit. You must sew a switch using the button of your bow tie and then sew the electric cord to the led diode legs. The circuit is a simple one, you shouldn’t be scared at all, but I found that it required extra attention so it was correctly sewn to the felt, not showing on the good side of the cat’s face and properly arranged – we didn’t want a crooked nose. We ended our craft by sewing the bow, little cat’s whiskers and gluing the face & the battery to the wreath.

DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us

Voilà! Rudolph the cat is here to keep us in good company during our Christmas holidays. I’m not sure our diva was too excited by this craft, she was a little grumpy the whole time and was reluctant to be nearby, but I’m sure this is a friendship in progess, you’ll see!

DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us DIY Christmas felt wreath - The cat, you and us

What I love more about this craft is that I now randomly stop by the wreath just to push the button to see the red nose, so much fun! It’s in the little things, you guys.

Hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to repeat it step by step, the book is no longer available in their online shop, but it is in the Amazon’s shops (link).

Have you any new DIY Christmas decor in your home? Please leave a link, I would love to see! Is your house already fully decorated? Our is, and was super wonderful to raise this morning to see it. We’ll soon share more details about the rest of decor, have a nice week ahead!

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  1. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    *applause* what an awesome looking wreath!! Especially the light up kitty cat in
    the center, good job Damaris ^__^

    9th December 2015
  2. The cutest wreath ever!!!

    10th December 2015
  3. Jane Y. ADDS...

    you did such a beautiful job with this!! the light up nose is fun!

    10th December 2015
  4. Elena :) ADDS...

    wowwwwwwwwwwwww!!! això ja és nivell professional!!!! DIY Expert! :) :)

    11th December 2015
  5. Fiona ADDS...

    So cute, the cat change is purrrfect :P :P Also hurrah for tackling a project with a fun electronic feature, I think I would of been too scared but I’m definitely one of those people who likes to press buttons :) I also like how you guys chose to hang your wreath and I’m sure Juno will come around!!

    12th December 2015
  6. Marine ADDS...

    So cute! I love the cat touch.

    13th December 2015

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