
Photographies Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us

This has become quite the traditional post of ours during the Christmas season in the blog, the pictures at the Festivalet Christmas design & crafts market.

As many of you already know we have been for three years in a row the official photographers of this dazzling event that takes place in Barcelona a week (ish) before Christmas, and we couldn’t be more proud to be part of the super talented team behind the Festivalet. Being with them & all the crafters feels very refreshing & stimulating to keep exploring our artsy side. You surely can also relate with us about how the ups & downs of the feelings with your photography/art/writing/work/you-name-it are, so this lift-me-up is very welcomed! At the Festivalet, we also size the opportunity to score some Christmas presents, of course! I always love too many things, but this time, after years of longing one of the head scarfs, I went in a treat yo self rush for the hand-crafted braided headband you can see in the pictures.

Well, we leave you now with some photos we have delivered this year & some personal ones where you can see me falling in love with a photo booth, meeting with an Instagram pal & 2 in-action shots!

Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us
Photographies Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us Photographies Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us Photographies Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us

Meeting Pati from @pati.neko, she was super sweet & we share the love for Japan, so here it is our Japanese photo pose *wink* Also, do you notice the lens cap on my front pocket? ha! I didn’t know this type of thin corduroy of my jumpsuit was so see-through.

Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us Festivalet 2018 - The cat, you and us

Do you already have all your Christmas presents ready? This year we have been planning on doing a secret Santa type of presents gifting with my family, because it is a little more extended than Daniel’s and we will be able to buy a nicer gift for them (kids don’t count, they are getting presents from everyone). Do you play secret Santa?

See you soon with more Christmas stuff, kiss!

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  1. Amanda ADDS...

    Beautiful photos!! I’d so love to have this gig :)

    22nd December 2018
  2. Fee ADDS...

    Such lovely photos – Festivalet looks incredible, very good choice with the headband and I love your little strawberry brooch too!
    So nice to meet an insta pal too!! Merry Christmas you guys!!

    23rd December 2018
  3. I’m in love with that fish pencil case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // The photo booth is so charming :’) // I’ve only hosted a Secret Santa once before, which was during college. I was living off campus for the first time, rooming with one of my best friends, and we had a ton of mutual friends, so it was perfect recipe to host a Secret Santa party! It was so much fun and I would love to do it again, but now that we’ve all graduated, it’ll be harder for all of us to gather. -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    27th December 2018
    • We reply...

      Don Fisher is super amazing! They also are very nice in person which is something I appreciate when you are able to buy directly from them. Oh! A Secret Santa for “Friendmas” is perfect. I totally get what you are saying about how it is difficult to gather friends once graduated, I’ve been thinking for quite a while to write a post about changes in friendships, but I’ve been doubting if reading about our personal case & view would be something interesting enough, anyways your comment is the perfect trigger, thanks <3

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