We have so many pictures that do not end up on Instagram from our phones; sometimes we just think nobody will be interested, or sometimes when we think about them, it seems so old news that just doesn’t feel right to post them. I guess I could blame my editing system on the phone which is not the most agile ever: I first take the picture, then edit with the vsco app, add a frame to not lose the original format and finally upload it on Instagram. What usually happens is that I do not edit the pic right away to quickly post it, and some of them, although we really like them, get lost in my vsco app (well, not really lost, but… not shared).
So, when one month ago the cute Fritha from Tigerlilly Quinn kindly tagged me for the hashtag #onefromthecuttingroomfloor I thought: that it is something that definitely is my thing! And then almost immediately I thought I would like to seize that chance to post something about Juno.

I think I have told you before that one of the favorite hobbies of Juno is to peek the outside from the curtains (of invisibility, or so she thinks!)? I sometimes look at her wondering what she would be able to see at her height, and since in this blog we are among friends, I can even confess I have laid on the floor to have my head next to hers. One day, instead, I decided I would show her what I am able to see from my height right from the same spot she usually is in her voyeur-ish hobby. She was mesmerized by the people walking on the street (remember we live in a pedestrian area?) and I felt so warmed by her reaction that I couldn’t resist a big kiss and hug. Sorry Juno, I know you are not so interested in that type of affection display!

Have you ever wondered what your furry pal is so intensely looking at? Which type of editing system do you use in your phone? Love to read your comments! and also thanks for your nice words on the last two posts with my mom, the market, the sea and paella!
These pictures are so cute! Too bad Juno is not the cuddly kitty cat, they do seem to have their own stubbornness every once in a while :) I also edit pictures with VSCO-cam, which results in not posting everything on Instagram for the same reason as your photos. I forget to share them, or think I’ll do it later. This is such a wonderfully captured moment though, that I’m glad you shared it :)
Thanks Elisse! :) Lucky we can always use a “throwback” to post them later (oops, or at least that’s my excuse…)
Haha, oh confession time again… I have very often laid on the ground next to the cat or dog my parents own to see what they would see. I think they think I’m the mental case of the family, but when they give me such a face I will always reply with a hug and a kiss haha. Furry pals are the cutest. – Also, I’m very lazy when it comes to editing on my phone. It’s either vsco or just using the instagram app when the lighting was decent enough. Oh well, it works for me!
Yay! so glad I am not the only one laying on floors, hahahahha! :) So fun how you explain your (cute!) confession.
too cute. my cats spend hours staring at random things too. what freaks me out is when the random thing is the empty corner underneath the ceiling in the middle of the night and when there is definitely no spider or fly or anything worth staring at there. ghosts???
Hahahaha, I know! I always jump from my seat, talking to Juno and saying: what is it? a bug?! and then realize she is just there watching a ghost ;)
Ah so super sweet :) I’m glad you shared these photos! I really need to get a phone that can take photos, everyone seems to have a lot of fun on instagram and people always ask me for my account and I have to shamefully say I don’t have one – oops!
Since last year I was only instragraming through Dani’s phone, because mine was one of the really old (ancient) type :) – been saving for very long time to renew, I think it was like 10 years old – However I am happy to have jumped into the wagon specially those (rare) days when we do not carry the camera around or with Juno whenever she is in a funny situation, because she is the quickest pose changer when she sees the big camera.
She is sooo fluffy <3
I have no answer since I don't have any pets :)
I use vsco to edit my pics on phone and I'm soooooo satisfied with it!
I think vsco app makes a huge difference, although I have to admit I have not yet tried the newer edition tools from Instagram. Have you? :)
That last photo is pure delight – so cute!
Thanks! ♥
it’s the same way for me. i take a picture and then edit using vsco cam. i used to use squareready to crop my images too but i hardly do that anymore and just go with the square look. and i too have gotten down to piri’s level to see from his view! but me and yangkyu also pick him up so he can see things from our point of view as well. he especially loves it when we’re in the kitchen and we’re doing this. :)
This is Dani, Juno & Damaris.
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