We love cats, yes we do!

Bru DIY - The cat, you and us

It’s beginning to feel like Christmas, and we absolutely love it! Last Saturday we attended the first of the (quite- although-never-ever-enough) many craft markets that are held in Barcelona during late November/December: the We Love Cats market; with this name we had to be there, of course, to tell you everything about it.

I think it’s the best sign for our city to see that smaller, middle and larger markets with very beautiful curated illustrators and handmade designers are blooming and grabbing lot of attention from local people of all ages. I specially loved the idea behind this one, as not only it’s a place to showcase talent but also the benefits of the market are donated to a good cause related with cats. This year they are going to help a cat shelter called Universigats which finds new homes for abandoned cats. As there is free entrance they raise the money with the booth’s rate plus other things like selling tote bags with the poster image, which gives attendants a perfect way to help the market’s organization and their cat good cause too.

The market took place at Poble Sec, a neighborhood that is slowly becoming one of the trendiest in the city, mainly for the food scenario. Since we wanted to get to the market early to have better access to every booth we got up quite early and planned a “fancy” date (eating breakfast outside makes me feel extra fancy no matter what place is it, hope I’m not alone on this one) at the Café Cometa, a coffe shop we had our eye on for quite a while for its cute interior design.

Cometa - The cat, you and us Cometa - The cat, you and us

Unsurprisingly we heard this year about We love cats market thanks to Luis from rronrron whom was selling there during these two days their nice felt houses, although it is in fact the third edition of this cats (and non-cats) fans delight crafts/handmade/illustration market. During the We love cats we got the chance to see again a few favorite stores like Fauna y Flora but also got to meet new faces and sweet people like Eva Carot, Kishboo or Georgina Armadas (among many many more!), don’t forget to check the links if pretty things are your thing.

We love cats - The cat, you and us We love cats - The cat, you and us

A little peek of the tote bag with this edition poster, which now is in my tote collection ;)

Mishi Mushi - The cat, you and us We love cats - The cat, you and us Polarité - The cat, you and us

This “oh gosh” cat mug is adorable. We loved the Polarité pieces.

Craft Mama - The cat, you and us Craft Mama - The cat, you and us

Moms & dads can score pretty things for the little ones just in time for Christmas as well. She asked if we had a blog as soon as she saw us acting like crazy with the camera, we are too obvious I guess ;)

TremendaMiranda - The cat, you and us

Cute cute cute bags from TremendaMiranda, I wouldn’t mind owning either the color block or the stripey ones.

We love cats - The cat, you and us Julie and Jane - The cat, you and us

Julie & Jane had these “cat lovers special” portable blackboards, what a sweet idea for kids!

Caterina Perez - The cat, you and us Entreplanta - The cat, you and us

Vendors wearing cat inspired outfits, good touch. Entreplanta, well played! :) She told us she lives with a cat called Dumas.

Kishboo & Eva Carot - The cat, you and us

Very rad cactus pouches and jewellery creations by Kishboo, I was impressed with her wood craftiness.

Eva Carot - The cat, you and us

Mr and Mrs Eva Carot were the sweetest couple around, they were all smiles and so nice with everyone stopping by. Her happiness was contagious!

Eva Carot - The cat, you and us My little wood - The cat, you and us We love cats - The cat, you and us Bru DIY - The cat, you and us Corazon de galleta - The cat, you and us rronrron - The cat, you and us

Look, this is our pal Luis from rronrron looking dapper!

Georgina Armadas - The cat, you and us

Sloth!!!! No-need-to-add-more, well maybe I should, this is Georgina Armadas on the picture below who had the brilliant idea of having a sloth in a pink plate.

Georgina Armadas - The cat, you and us We love cats - The cat, you and us

Do you remember our Biel? That weird Catalan Christmas tradition were we feed a log in the hope of getting presents from him? The We love markets was dominated by a giant kitty-“tió de Nadal”, no wonder this was the perfect photo spot.

Fabrica de texturas - The cat, you and us We love cats - The cat, you and us

We love cats, but also doggies!

How was your weekend? Tell us all about it, we love to virtually catch up with everyone! We also had magnificent food outings and a very dear friend visiting, but that will be Thursday’s story. We are coming again tomorrow with the reveal of the giveaway winner, we are biting our nails with excitement and suspense!

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  1. deniz ADDS...

    Haha it’s a nice concept market for especially the cat lovers :)
    today we were discussing how man cats live in our city, I guess more than 500000 cause every street we get in, we see many many cats on the streets!
    now after we talked this I saw this blog post and it makes me feel funny:))

    1st December 2014
    • We reply...

      Agree, love the idea, there are so many stray cats around here as well that I liked to feel part of a little help for a cat shelters, which at least in our city are much less known that the dog ones (equally important!!!)

  2. petra ADDS...

    looks like a fabulous market. and looks like you had much better weather than us :)

    1st December 2014
    • We reply...

      Oh! It was raining cats and dogs, really! But fortunately for the market vendors it was hosted inside a big garage-looking local :) The temperatures had been quite high for the season but for the starting of December they have changed drastically, now it’s so cold! Is it freezing in Paris?

  3. Jane Y. ADDS...

    i love it! :) this market looks like such a lovely place and so great how they are going to help a shelter out. i want to make a similar planter out of a soda bottle. i’ll probably do a horrible job but oh i guess that comes with me and diys :)

    2nd December 2014
    • We reply...

      Aw Jane! I think you make a great job at DIY! But I understand what you are saying, I also think the same about me when I see one at Pinterest (that I will not be any near to the final result), but I love to try anyways! ;)

  4. Fiona ADDS...

    Okay this is one market I’d definitely love to go to! Love that they help out the shelter and I love all the indie handmade goodness :) I was also wondering about that log cat from one of the first pics, can’t believe I didn’t instantly remember Biel! Shame on me!

    5th December 2014
    • We reply...

      Oh don’t worry! Biel is planning on making a come back to the blog soon for Christmas (on the 8th, I know that date for sure ;P) he is quite jealous of that big big cat log! Lots of gorgeous things we saw there and we were happy to learn that they raised around 2000 € for the shelter :)

  5. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    What a fun looking market! Totally my cup of tea and the
    fact that it’s supporting cats is even greater! Outside
    breakfast is indeed always nice :P
    Ugh, I also like the colorblock bag you are eying as well,
    and lovelovelove that crochet/knitted stuffed polar
    bearrrr! Xx http://icepandora.blogspot.com

    5th December 2014

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