Hello there! How was your easter holiday? We had what in the blog world is called staycation, in our case not a fancy hotel in the mix, we just stayed home but with a holiday tune in our heads, we relaxed and started preparing a surprise we have for the blog anniversary next May. Yep, still 1 month to go but it will be a good one (crossing fingers you like it!) so we have to work a little in advance.
But today is not about anticipating, quite the contrary in fact, we are going to take a look at our March through phone pictures which mostly have not been featured before nor in this blog not in Instagram. The weather here on the beginning was even colder than the traditional winter months, or at least it felt so, because I’ve had my mail inbox & bloglovin feed full of cute bare-legged gals with tempting springy outfits, which hopefully I will be able to recreate soon.
Want to join me in this look-back post?

We had a The cat in love photo gig, and felt incredible to be able to have brunch afterwards at Picnic. We don’t get to have many brunch meals during weekdays, so it felt like it was a holiday.

Only two of our cactus have survived after 6 months under my horrible green-thumb supervision. I seized the opportunity to re-style a little our string shelf with the new Mary Poppins items of our collection. Do you remember how it looked before? Do you like it now? Since this picture there is a new cactus inside the legged plant pot, which feels like Damaris Vs Cactus round 2 ;)

And you would think I wasn’t able to mention Peruvian meal in one post? I am not ;) These are choritos, delicious mussels with a tomato, corn, onion and lime salad.

We visited Susi sweet dress, a repurposed vintage clothing market that takes place twice in Barcelona. This time I got navy dotted shorts and a sweet red mid-length skirt that I’m ready to wear as soon as I am free from the tights in my legs.

I think this is the picture of Juno that makes me laugh the most of any other I have possibly taken during the last 5 years. We participated in lelelerele’s instagram contest with this pic, where Juno was borrowing my bear brooch to wear on her superman cape. Isn’t she a tough looking gal? ;)

Found this Pacman graffiti during a random walk and made a super silly snapchat video. Do you have snapchat, we are @thecatyouandus there and share mainly silly daily clips with Juno, I would love to see you there too!
… and with all that March is over! Phew! March really flown-away fast, I have to agree that it was a good one, I know lot of you have had also wonderful holidays during this month (I know a couple of lovely peeps visiting Japan… oh Japan!). I would love to catch-up with you, don’t forget to leave me a link if you have any new post with your travels or latest staycation adventures!
Haha! I love Juno’s face on the picture ^-^
Thanks Yasmine!! It’s my hands down favorite, her face is just too superhero-ish that I can’t help but laughing every time ;)
Oh man that is the most hilarious photo of Juno – love it! I’m excited to finally be able to catch up on all the blog posts I missed whilst I was away, I’m also trying to edit my Japan photos as quickly as possible so I can blog our adventures! Your new shelf redesign is super cute! I’ve only ever had one cactus which I’ve managed to keep alive – hurrah but the plant I always kill are maiden hair ferns! I love them so much but after having about 4 I decided it wasn’t a good idea to buy any more :(
I’m so excited to have you back Fee and with so many wonderful adventures to live vicariously <3 Juno is looking very fierce, isn't she? hahahaha Cactus are supposedly the most safe bet for un-green thumbs like mine, I will give it a second try but I feel kind of hopeless when they start to dry and there is nothing I can do that make them alive again :S oops, hope this second chance is a more successful one! :)
She is so fierce!!! Oh I totally lied about not killing a cacti, when I was 18 or round about I had a cacti gifted from a friend. I didn’t think cactus needed much water (desert anyone!) so I watered it once every month or so until one day I checked it and it was almost hallowed out and very dead – oops! I have a handful of plants now and I’ve made Sunday my watering day which seems to be going well (my outside plants and herbs I water more, especially if it’s been super sunny and no rain). I also noticed some plants doing better than others so I’ve moved the sad looking plants to different spots until they start to grow more leaves and then I know that’s their perfect sun spot! My cactus sits on my window sill in a very sunny spot so she’s clearly a sun lover :) I still cannot grow maiden fern or coriander though, which makes me sad!!! I think you’ll be right for your second chance – gambatte!!! :)
* oops got my cacti and cactus mixed up – morning brain!!
This is Dani, Juno & Damaris.
Our heads are full with photography,
our hearts stay in Japan.
Our guides
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