Remember that I told you that I used to be scared of cats? When Juno was only a shapeless thought in our minds, that shameful fact of my past (scared of an awesome animal? really? shame on me!) made me consider adopting another kind of pet: a little rabbit :)
My newer rabbit-obsession made me read everything I could find about rabbits on the Internet, until I finally was able to narrow to this conclusion: Holand Lops are the cutest rabbits out there! Do you know them? They are dwarf rabbits (dwarf animals have instantly that cute label, don’t they?), with fun ears and a sweet behavior. I lived with a dog as a little kid, and one of the things I was most worried about rabbits was that if they would indeed interact with their human mates, would they be able to play with us? Would they learn tricks? After watching every rabbit video I found on YouTube I can tell you that YES, they can be awesome pets and do amazing things if you spend time with them.
After making Damaris watch all those videos, we started to fantasize about our new furry roomie. His name would be Juno (we loved that movie) and he would most probably be a small Holland Lop. But then, I had a “moment” with a stray cat and everything else is history now, you know how Juno (a her!) is currently ruling our world. She really doesn’t do any tricks, instead she has taught us some valuable human tricks: giving her food & treats and opening our bedroom door when she is in the mood for a nap in our bed ;)
Anyhow, I’ve always had the curiosity to know how would it be to have a bunny at home, so I’m asking you: do you have any experience with bunnies? We would love to hear stories about them.
“Juno the rabbit” would be mouth-watering for this carrots, but the real Juno prefers goat cheese caramelized with malt paste.

We do have a lots of carrots in our fridge, so we are thinking on maybe making a carrot cake, do you have a recipe?

Don’t worry, carrots were NOT licked by any cat for the sake of this post ;)
i had two rabbits in my life. when i was a child, named fluffy, and in college, named chubs. they are so cute and fast! chubs bit me a few times which hurt but she was lovable. i even had a leash and harness for her and took her out for a walk. :)
Taking a rabbit out for a walk, hahah, that must be fun :) I sometimes fantasized about taking Juno for a walk out too but everytime I see her terrified of any noise coming from the outside I always change my mind.
I’ve never had a rabbit, but plan on getting one or two Holland Lops as soon as our kiddos are a bit older. I’m obsessed with bunnies and Lops are by far my favorite.
It’s a good thing for kiddos to convive with an animal and learn to respect it, taking care and loving it as a family member ;)
Omgosh! I didn’t know you were scared of cats before!
I’m glad you have Juno now because Juno is sooooo
adoorable c: and you go girl with adopting a rabbit!
Dwarf rabbits are my favorite type of rabbits really c:
Being afraid of cats are shameful memories of my past xD Damaris always have loved them, she is a smart girl, but nowawadays I think I’m winning her over at our who-is-more-crazy-about-cats competition game :)
Your cat is too adorable! If I were to get a cat, it would definitely be like your kind. :)
My only experience with bunnies is going over to my friend’s house to play with her two rabbits. One was playful around people, and he would hop around in the grass. The other was a baby and her ears would flop if she was nervous, but she eventually allowed us to carry and hug her. Have you seen pictures of lionhead rabbits? They’re so cute, I would love to see on in person someday :)
Thanks Sue, exotic shorthairs cats are not only adorable, most of them have a very sweet heart :) I searched about lionhead rabbits, what a funny hairy head they have! ;)
Cute pictures! I’m glad you were able to overcome your fears of cats ^^ I’ve never had a bunny or much experience with them, but wouldn’t it be too adorable to have one hopping around the house? Though I’ve heard it’s best to keep at least two bunnies together or else they’ll get lonely :(
Sure Juno’s cat pheromones have helped me overcoming my fear ;) the idea of having a bunny (or two ;P) hoping around the house is really funny, I’m not sure how Juno will take it though.
I love this, before my Cat obsession Bunnies were my favourite animal! Where I live, in Queensland, Australia, we’re not allowed to keep rabbits because they’re considered pests for farmers, I think there is a $30,000 fine for keeping one *yikes* so when I was little (or younger!) I had guinea pigs instead :) I never knew about the holland lop but gosh they are so cute and I agree anything miniaturized is always extra cute!
Maybe one day you can have Juno and Juno2! By the way I’m glad you got Juno and I’m glad you got over your fear too, it’s seems a bit silly now looking back hey – well I for one feel silly for being scared of cats :P he he he
Fee, you are like my Australian doppelganger (a female version, of course LOL): ex-afraid of cats, bunny lover, crazy cat girl nowadays.. xD And $30,000 for keeping a bunny at home??!! Holland lop cute ears may be worthy of the risk (just kidding! LOL $30,000 is crazy!!!)
What a nice story! Before we had our cat Moustache I wanted a rabbit but my boyfriend didn’t :( now I don’t regret it at all, cats are really fun ;) Does Juno like any vegetables? When I’m cooking mushrooms, Moustache is always stealing some mushroom peals, a weird cat ^^ I do have a carrot cake recipe if you want
so cute. SO CUTE!
I had friends who had bunnies. they are cute. and they can be quite stubborn, something I find very endearing. I love little things with big personalities!
Scared for cats? They’re so cute! I had a bunny a long time ago, but I can’t remember much of her. Then later, a few years ago, I got a bunny but it was not a sweet one. She bites all the time… So that’s why I never buy bunnies again.
This is Dani, Juno & Damaris.
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