“Give me a little whistle” (in Spanish “Dame un silbidito“), the famous song by Jiminy Cricket of Pinocchio, describes perfectly what Juno must think when we start doing some craft or DIY at home :)
During one of those horrible weather days we had during this last spring, we decided to try to cut ourselves an IKEA ENJE roller blind we had from our previous home which did not fit in our current windows. The DIY seemed easy but we were not sure we had enough tools for it.
We had to measure the windows, leave a little extra on the sides, and cut the blind according to that size.
The blind had a weight piece on the bottom that we removed first. I used a regular school pencil to mark the line where to cut because I had tested that I was able to erase any trace of it afterwards. Once the fabric was cut, we sawn the roll using the IKEA pack of saws that includes one for iron.
This was tricky as we had to first do it manually and following the exact same line marked for the fabric, and then at the same time keep the fabric clean from the dust it came out from the (heavy) sawing process. The surgical masks bought during our honeymoon in Japan were very helpful to keep our lungs a little bit healthier :)
And voilà! after some (hard) time with it, the blind magically was perfectly adjusted to its spot in our bedroom, we were so happy!
Needless to say, Juno was only our helpful assistant during the first part, no saws (nor nocive dust) near our precious kitty :)
Our helpful assistant approaching, she knows we always need some help with our crafts :)

Juno carefully looking if I follow correctly the marked line

She was (obviously) warning me that I should follow the line more straight

The end: The blind hanged in our room, I think she approves.
Jeje quina pachorra que es gasta la tia (la Juno, eh?).