Cinque Terre: a vacation suitcase

A vacation suitcase - The cat, you and us

Outfit 1, to stroll by the sea: Whitepepper dress, Topshop (from the man section, that’s a trick for hats!), Juju jelly shoes (similar) & Whitepepper bag.

Good Monday! How is June going on? Have you already watched Jurassic World? We did, it was fun and basically seemed created for nostalgic kiddos as us with lots of references to the first movie. Last week we were on vacation to Italy! Tuut tuut! No previous signals in the blog since we had posts already lined up which was convenient, and couldn’t share much on Instagram either, but don’t worry we are going to make amends and share lots on the following weeks, starting today!

We thought it would be fun to start this new travel with you to the beautiful Cinque Terre in Italy the same way we start any vacation abroad when the destination has already been booked: with the suitcase. This time the plans were super last minute decisions, but there was one thing we knew beforehand: we were going to the coast to do lots of invigorating sea glimpse and we were going on hikes from one town to the other. Unfortunately due to some rock slide on 2011 some of them were still closed and we changed them for train trips, so super hiking clothes/shoes were not necessary and I was able to keep it just adventure-ish, let’s take a look.

A vacation suitcase - The cat, you and us

Outfit 2, a laid back hiking day & still ready for an evening date: Kling shorts with suspenders (old, similar), Susi sweet dress blouse, Hello Kitty vans (old) & Bagu folding backpack.

A vacation suitcase - The cat, you and us

Outfit 3, airport ready but in full nautical theme to walk around: Urban Outfitters skirt, Kling sweater (currently one sale!), H&M shoes & Souvenir bag bought in Sintra.

A vacation suitcase - The cat, you and us

Bonus track, the hubs outfit, to look like an Italian guy: T-shirt, trousers (old) & backpack Pull&Bear, H&M hat (old), Camper sandals (similar).

Which one is your favorite? How do you plan your outfits for a travel? My most strict rule is that I should be able to switch items between outfits to create a new easy one without having to pack more, I only take extra t-shirts and undies. This time I was generous also with shoes but I normally try to minimize in those. Would love to read your tricks! Hope you’re excited for the Cinque Terre!

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  1. Kate ADDS...

    Oh Damaris, you are my outfit inspiration! I love love that dress and am so happy you linked to it – I’ve not heard of that company! You made such great choices – wonderful outfits :) I don’t put much thought in to holiday clothing as I leave it right until the last minute to pack – but I want to plan it out a bit more now :)

    15th June 2015
    • We reply...

      Thanks Kate for your super sweet words! :) Whitepepper has some lovely items (dino/sharks/watermelon madness right now), I have also learnt about them recently and they are located in the UK which is quite convenient for European folks as us (shipping costs/time).

  2. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    Sounds like Italy stole your hearts c:
    I can’t wait for fuller posts of your Italy trips!

    Looove your outfit matching!! Especially the
    second which is my favorite c: But dang
    love the bread clutch bag! It’s so cute!!

    15th June 2015
    • We reply...

      Ohh la Italia was perfection, only the food itself worths the visit, ha! ;) just (kinda) kidding. Thanks Mei! The bread clutch is a very happy on-sale purchase :)

  3. Fiona ADDS...

    What Italy has come and gone – so sneaky! Glad you had a wonderful time :) So fun to see your outfits and fun to imagine the photos of you wearing them all – my imagination is pretty good but I’m sure your photos will be even better! Love the sneaky guys hat trick too! I always look at the kids sections for hair clips – he he he :)

    16th June 2015
    • We reply...

      It was a 3 day trip but the change of air and the energy boost was incredible! we are right now going through the photos editing them and hope they are up to the gorgeous place they show :) Kids sections are a gold mine, aren’t they? I love to peek at them for grown-up plausible items!

  4. I like traveling light, so I tend to mostly pack easy-to-match basics and try to keep shoes to one or two pairs. I’ll also bring one nicer outfit just in case :) Loving the Whitepepper dress and Urban Outfitters skirt. I hope you had fun in Italy! Looking forward to seeing more :) -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    16th June 2015
    • We reply...

      We loved it in Italy! Thanks Audrey! :) I also prefer travelling light, in fact we travelled with only a carry-on suitcase for both of us and Dani’s backpack. Also it is handy during summer because you can pack extra stuff like t-shirts, on winter or autumn when sweaters are needed there is more struggle while packing! :)

  5. Your outfits are so cute! I absolutely love your fashionsense!

    16th June 2015
    • We reply...

      thanks Monique! ♥

  6. Jane Y. ADDS...

    oh my gosh – i love love that first dress! so cute!!

    23rd June 2015
    • We reply...

      Thanks! It was so nautical hence perfect for Monterosso and made me feel pretty, extra bonus :)

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