Christmas 2020 decorations, classical red, green and gold colors (and a new tree!)

Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us

Never too late! The decorations have been up for 15 days now, but since my job is currently nuts (working until late hours each day), I haven’t been able to squeeze the time enough to write the blog post, only occasional drops on Instagram. However, here it is the complete 2020 Christmas decorations of our house, tuut, tuut!

The main difference this year is that we got a new tree! I read that plastic trees are only ecologically better than buying real trees after 10 years, which is exactly what our old tree has, but don’t you worry, we are planning on making it last way longer in our house as a second tree. I liked our old tree a lot because it had great quality (realism) in the needles, but since it wasn’t an expensive one (an oldie from Ikea) it lacked a lot in terms of fluffiness (very few branches), which I always thought looked a little small for the space we got for it in our living room. This year since we are so much at home – meaning we are practically 24h a day 7 days a week minus errands *wink* – we thought it was the time to make the investment in a thicker tree and here it is!

The tree

Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us

* As you can probably guess this is not sponsored not gifted, just wanted to share in case it can be helpful! *

In case you are interested, we did a little research on trees for home. One of the most valued trees are the ones from Balsam Hill, which is an American brand that also sells in UK and France. They have lots of ranges and prices to choose from, also pre-lit trees, that means that they have leds already incorporated within the needles. However they don’t sell in Spain and other countries in Europe besides the two I mentioned, thus I searched for a similar alternative (in terms of realness plus fluffiness) and found FairyTrees. The prices are also more reasonable, but they don’t have the same amount of needles and they are not pre-lit. On the pro list they have a cuter wooden structure as feet. One of the things that you must take into account when buying a fluffy tree is that they are going to have two types of needles, the most realistic on the external part of the branches and the ones used as stuffing inside, so don’t expect all the needles to be the same. Nevertheless, I like both types in our tree, so it’s not a problem at all! One important thing when having a fluffier tree is to also buy a good amount of lights, so I bought also a pack of 600 leds (again, the tree is not pre-lit) from the same company because I liked that the wire was green just like the tree. It has 9 different light modes (I only use 1 though), a timer and a remote controller.

Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us

Classical decorations

Having a bigger tree I was afraid that our decorations were not enough, but I am quite happy on how it has turned out without additional purchases. I only bought the traditional new bauble we got every year. For next year I am planning on having more red, maybe add (fake) holly plants or fabric riboons all over the tree. What do you think would look better?

Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us

Disney decorations

We mix up the more classical decorations with Disney because I can’t explain the reason but it feels Christmasy, and also because I love the ornaments they release. Each year they have more available and it’s quite irresistible for the nostalgia of having one of each of our favorite movies. We currently have Mary Poppins, Frozen (its actually Frozen 2, but a representation of both to us!), Tangled (the lantern lights up!) and Star Wars. But I will slowly buy more of them, at least Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast should have a representation in our tree. The UP house it is also adorable! Which ones would you choose if there was every movie available?

Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us

During our last Japan trip we bought this plushie keychain in the Osaka station, which I though could be the perfect Japan homage in our tree. These plushies are usually worn hanging from their bags, but the Christmas tree is an unexpected cute place right? If we can go back to Japan I will buy a couple more! I am guessing Ghibli and Sanrio related.

Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us

For the second tree (our old one) we have added the same lights we had and Christmas cards from different years as decoration. I think it’s cute that I will be adding the new ones as they arrive to look at them daily! See it here

In the rest of the house we have mostly small villages created using bottle brush trees, ceramics tiny houses (set from Ikea), small baubles, white pumpkins (from the Halloween decor) and pineapples. As a centerpiece I always use this glass tree-shaped container we bought many years ago. Usually I fill it with golden baubles and pineapples but I have changed things this year and built one of the villages inside with fake snow and small white pebbles. It is so much fun to look at! Next to it I am recycling another Halloween pumpkin (the big green one) because it matches the color scheme perfectly and I think its is wise to reuse them since they are still in perfect shape (not plastic, real pumpkins).

A part from that, new Christmas pillows finish the look of the room, and as tradition calls, our Christmas log Biel is here as well hopefully giving all of us good luck.

Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us
Christmas 2020 home decor - The cat, you and us

The queen of hearts!

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  1. Fee ADDS...

    Ahhh that stacked photo is still making me smile after seeing it on your insta! Your new tree is so cute and all your decorations are so cheerful and happy!! I feel the extra magic this year! Slight confession I need to live vicariously through your decorations as we still haven’t got ours up yet (we decided to paint our room first!) probably a very silly move :P We work too slow!

    18th December 2020
  2. Nieves ADDS...

    Las fotografías, son sencillamente, una maravilla, todos los detalles del árbol y la casa son preciosos. Tenéis un gusto exquisito. Felicidades!

    18th December 2020

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