Friday at last! I think it was never more welcomed an end of week, and month for that matter, as this one. Besides that we do have exciting things around the corner for this next September: staycation and my birthday. But we couldn’t start this time off (well, we will stick around the blog, no worries, ha!) without talking a little bit about how our August looked like via our more informal phone snapshots.
August for us meant family time, either in Madrid (we will be sharing our shots in Madrid soon) or at my hometown. But I was also able to have some only-girls tea date (long forgotten), have our yearly date with dear college friends and cultural outings. Also I was working from home meaning lots of girlzz time with my favorite kitten Ms. Juno.

I haven’t been to this wetlands area called “Aiguamolls de l’Empordà” since I was a little kiddo, I thought my nephew would enjoy it, but I think it even had a bigger impact on the adults. A part from the amazing fields we saw deers and lots of interesting birds.

Whenever my mom and aunt are together they are always like this, goofy sisters!. My auntie had an injury in her leg from which I hope she is recovered very soon.

My nephew Samuel is in love with the beach, that leg peeking out from the sea is him!

Here you have a better glimpse of the pedal boat that we rented, Samuel was a little sad to leave it after 1 hour, and kept saying how “the coolest thing now would be to rent it for another hour” :)

Me trying to sneak a picture from the boat of the two boys after using the slide.

Our favorite burger joint had a delish new one: barbecue ribs with toasted corn and marinade onion.

Homemade lemon juice popsicle made out of Monterosso lemons!

We visited Casa Amatller, a modernist house that is next to Gaudi’s most famous house (Batlló). Our friends Lucila and Eduard invited us to join them through the guided visit to the house and then we had dinner together at Shoronpo, a japanese restaurant (thanks Anna+Albert for the recommendation). A really nice afternoon!

The house had lots of details that, indulge me on this, look out of Hogwarts ;)
What were you up this August? Which plans do you have for September? Wish a nice labor weekend for all our US pals! and a nice regular weekend to all the rest ;)
M’encanta la foto on estrujes la Juno jajjaja
No em puc resistir mai, però especialment quan dorm :)
I love the picture of Juno and the ice cream, it is so pretty and funny :)
Have a nice day !
She looks so interested in the ice cream, right? Those turquoise eyes of her ;) Thanks Cassandre!
Molt xula aquesta visita a la Casa Ametller, tu… :P
El banyador és del System Action oi? Jo també em vaig comprar un bikini d’aquesta col·lecció. M’encanten tots!
Jajjaja, sí, xula la casa, no l’havies vist mai, oi? ;) ;) Doncs el banyador és una mica antic, és del Women’secret. Tenien de ralles al System Action? Li donaré una ullada l’any vinent!
I didn’t know Madrid has beaches! It looks like a nice one you
and your family have c; Juno looks amazingly ADOOOORABLE
staring at the ice cream which looks really yum and
refreshing as well c:
Xx http://icepandora.blogspot.com
We were first in Madrid (no beach only river) with my family and then they came back with us to stay at my hometown (which is near the beach) a few more days, I was definitely not clear at all with my randomly explanation, sorry about it! :) big hug! ♥
I love the beach! Especially during the summertime! :)
Awww you surely do have great ones at LA :) We stayed at Little Venice and it was almost empty and very clear. The one in the picture is St Martí d’Empuries (Costa Brava).
looks like you had a great month. and I can’t believe it’s almost over. too bad. I could do with another few months of summer…
I cannot wait to see your pictures from Madrid. I was so in love with the architecture when I was there. Our summer has been a lot less eventful than I expected, but I did get to go on a cat cafe crawl, so that was cool.
So much cuteness from Juno this month and of course you and your family – love the shot of your mum and her sister :) I didn’t grasp on in your last post that the paddle boat had a slide *looks utterly impressed* (really though that has to go down in history as one of the coolest paddle boat add-ons ever invented!). Can’t wait to see your Madrid shots + stories :) :)
Oh gosh your cat is SO cute! Lovely informal photos.
Katrina Sophia
Oh~ August was a good month for you! I had a good time as well. It’s actually my favorite month of all the summer months and I’m so sad to see it go! I wish it lasted a bit longer :)
This is Dani, Juno & Damaris.
Our heads are full with photography,
our hearts stay in Japan.
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