April is a rainy month, at least we thought so this last Easter weekend. Since the always (too?) cautious google weather report was forecasting rain for the weekend, we temporary cancelled a hiking to a rural area near Barcelona changing it for a city plan but I was happy thinking that my new cheerful yellow raincoat was going to be handy.

Although it may be hardly noticeable in the pics the skirt has a tiny anchors print. Both the skirt and t-shirt are from the Susi sweet dress market, just like my other skirt here. Raincoat is from Pull&Bear.

Whale wood brooch by Kishboo.

As it sometimes happens the day rose as bright and shinny as could be, but still I insisted on wearing my new light coat because when raincoats are cute I think they are like any other spring jacket (same with rain boots). However it might not be a general opinion as I heard many people passing by and whispering: “how odd! it is definitely not raining today!”. Maybe my sailor outfit was putting me in the best of behaviors but I was literally dancing around in my yellow raincoat and couldn’t care less about whisperings, weather, cancelled hikes, rain or sun. The day also included a visit to an exhibition about the artwork of Pixar (with Mary Blair in my mind all the time); I think the high spirits had also a lot to do with Remy, Nemo, Sullivan, Buzz Lightyear and all the gang.

Oh! and you know what? It finally even rained at the end of the day, ha!
Do you like raincoats? Do you prefer to wear them only when it is raining? I love how colorful they usually are, which color is your favorite? Mine would be a tie between yellow and red!

p.s: The same proverb from the title in Spanish would be “Abril aguas mil” I guess this means that April being rainy is an international affair ;)
that raincoat is SO cute!! the yellow is so you :)
Thanks Annie! yellow makes me feel good, not sure why I don’t own more clothing pieces in this color :)
M’agrada molt la combinació del groc de l’impermeable i el blau de la samarreta i faldilla :-)
Merci guapa!! Blau marí i groc és una bona combo :) verd i vermell també m’agrada, però és més “d’elfo navideño” jajajja ;)
I don’t have a proper rain coat, but I love bright colors! I imagine that if I had a bright rain coat like yours, I’d definitely wear it even if it wasn’t raining :D -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s
I got this one because I didn’t have a proper rain coat neither :) In fact you can check my Wales travel looks just to agree to this ;) Most of the days I was wearing Dani’s blue rain coat. What I love of this one is that it really has good endings just like any other jacket would. ♥
great. I love rain coats and wellies too. unfortunately, you can’t really get away with that in France. not chic enough. and not that I really care, I’d wear them anyways, but you can’t even buy anything remotely nice looking. tant pis xoxo
Oh là là le français!! :) I guess rain coats and wellies are more into the British fashion arena ♥
Oh my gosh, I love love love raincoats, there’s this spotty raincoat (navy with blue spots) that I wanted for the longest time, and I would totes just wear as a jacket too! Can’t believe those whispering people, I think it’s crazy not to want to to wear a raincoat! he he he. I also love gumboots, I have some rainbows ones that I wear (doesn’t need to be raining!) but unfortunately they now have a little hole so they are actually more practical when it isn’t raining :P
Also I love that photo of Dani and the stairs and the one where you’re peering around the corner and you can see that little kid! Oh and your brooch is so cute!!
Thanks Fee! The picture with the kiddo is also my favorite. Yay for more raincoats lovers :) Rainbow wellies??? Ohmy, sounds perfection to me! :) The brooch is a cutie, specially in person the wood touch is very soft.
Ooohhh!! Pero que blog tan molón! bueno, bueno y el nombre más!
Me ha encantado este post y muchas gracias por esa mención del broche de la ballena!
Un abrazo
Gracias Vicky por tu comentario y por pasarte por nuestro blog! Nos encantó conocerte el pasado We love cats market y que nos contaras el proceso que realizas con tus piezas de madera, son preciosas!
Oh, your rain coat is so adorable! I think I need to get my hands on one as well!
Thanks Kati! I like the nautical vibes of this one that looks cute with stripes, which I have quite plenty in my wardrobe ;)
Funny that mention wearing a raincoat without rain because I have a bright orange lightweight jacket that I like to wear in the spring. I get so many people who say I have the cutest raincoat… and sometimes it isn’t raining. It isn’t made out a water resistant fabric so go figure. I got the reversal problem going for me. XD
Hahahaha it is indeed just the reversal case :) :) I guess it’s the color that makes people think about a raincoat?
Oh it’s raining so much over where I am too and while I have my trusty rain boots I unfortunately don’t have a rain coat! :)
you’re so damn cute!!!!!! I love your raincoat, I’m exactly looking for the same raincoat but didn’t find yet :)
This year all seasons have changed in here too, and we are still waiting for a real spring (fingers crossed) :/
Hi, beautiful photos, could I get the last but one photo in full size?
Hello Martynas! Sorry for the super laaate reply, your comment landed in the wrong folder and just saw it now. Contact me back to let me know about what would you need the picture for :) if you still need it, sorry!
This is Dani, Juno & Damaris.
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