1st blogiversary: Best moments!

Best moments

We are back to share a little review of this last year in posts. But, first things first: Have you already checked the rad guest posts we have featured this week?

On Monday we were lucky to have Fiona, an Aussie artist and photographer sharing the story about where she lives (spoiler alert: you will meet hens and a cat inside!). Fun fact (Ted Mosby at heart): I first knew about her when Damaris discovered through Pinterest an illustrator that put her in “this is amazing” mood.

On Wednesday we had Mei, a very talented crafter from Netherlands sharing a colorful triangle bunting that we are dying to give it a try! Although I am not at all the crafty of the family I really enjoy helping Damaris with her DIYs projects, so we are looking forward to follow Mei’s DIY under the strict surveillance of Juno (she is our toughest judge).

Ok now, let’s move then to today’s post theme. One of the new features I like most of our new template is the blog archive. Going backwards to older posts in the old template was almost impossible, so thanks to the new scroll we have been reviewing the old posts published during this first year of blogging. It has been so much fun! Do you know that we have have published a total of 106 posts? It may sound a tiny number for the most hardcore bloggers, but for us it has been an exciting challenge.

If I raised your curiosity you can navigate through the archives by yourself with the sidebar scroll, where you will find things like the following:


Juno, the circus artist

Juno showed some of her tricks to the world.

I love Tokyo

We started sharing our Japan adventures, the first one was about Tokyo! You can tell how happy we were during the trip and then living it again by sharing with all of you.



We threw back some summer snapshots to get in the mood for the warmer weather. Looking at our selection it’s seems like the LCA+ awakes when the sun is shinning to become our go-to summer camera.


Our post about Ainokura, a fairy town in the Gokayama region, has become the most viewed post of the year (up to 1000 views, wow! thanks!). We also practiced some karate moves during our stay.


Castle in the sky

Damaris’ mum made her first appearance on the blog during a Sunday outing.

Japan: Why we fell in love with Kyoto

Sharing our love for Kyoto made us realize that what we thought a Geisha was indeed a Maiko called Ayano-san, thanks Flickr!


We ate more than 100 hundred japan snacks and documented each of them.

Born to walk

Our friend Anna joined the 50mm club and for its debut we went to a city walk through the trendy El Born neighbourhood.



We had a great time photographing the cutest couple.

We love movies

The Hollywood sign was the starting point of our summer road trip with friends.


1st anniversary

We celebrated our 1st anniversary sharing all the pictures of the day.

Sitges film festival is a must in our agenda every year and we recorded a little video showing how a day looks like during the festival.


A diplo-mati-cus mission

Juno made new friends or at least let’s say acquaintances.

Paris je t’aime

We had the most terrific time in our getaway to Paris to celebrate our anniversary.


Meet Biel, our Christmas log

During Christmas we had a special guest at home called Biel.

Ending the year with a big thank you!

We answered some (embarrassing) questions about ourselves.


Ranma One-Half

Our friends Anna & Albert were adopted by a cat.


January was the cat-est month this year, after meeting ranma we went crazy and hosted our first catweek.


I miss the mountains

We visited Escornalbou with our good friends.

Zou bisou bisou

Red chocolate lips photo session, perfect plan to celebrate Valentine’s day.


Family times

We flied some scarfs up very high, up where the air is clear.

Burgers in a sunny day

Burger & bravas were our daily diet during March.


Sweet & spicy Japan, our Candysan haul review

We received a mysterious box from japan.


And finally, we had a great weekend getaway in the raddest city.

Do you think we should have highlighted any other moment of the year? And now your turn, which was your favorite adventure during this time in your blog? Don’t forget to leave us a link so we can check it! :)

Hope you will join our adventures this next blogging year, because our (online) home is with you! Thanks guys and stayed tuned for two more, amazing if I may say, guest posts next week.

The giveaway of the 2 cute donut mugs is still open, don’t forget to enter before May 22nd! Entries worldwide accepted.
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  1. Mariko ADDS...

    What a great first year blogging for you guys! I have to say, reading your blog and seeing all your wonderful photos is definitely the highlight of my day.

    9th May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Mariko!! Reading all your sweet comments is the highlight of the day for us ;)

  2. Ice Pandora ADDS...

    An amazing recap, well done you 3 ^___^ Xx

    9th May 2014
    • We reply...

      I think we are going to have the most amazing recap next year with posts like your DIY! ;)

  3. Laura ADDS...

    I love your wedding photos, and of course photos of Juno! Congratulations on your successful first year of blogging! This blog has already become one of my favourites. :)

    10th May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks for your words Laura! It means a lot! It is a great memento for us to have our wedding pictures now on the sidebar only a click away.

  4. Fiona ADDS...

    Oh gosh, there hasn’t been a blog entry that I didn’t love! I love that fun fact (even I didn’t know that one!) *big grin*. I also love how you said, blogging lets you live special moments again by being able to share it with us! I definitely feel that way about blogging myself. I actually started listing my fav blog entries for you guys and realised I was pretty much just recapping every blog entry you have done – ooops!!

    Such a wonderful first year – super congrats!

    10th May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Fiona, when Damaris found your cat girl illustration and we started following your blog was the best idea ever ;)

  5. Leeda ADDS...

    i loooved this re-cap, you guys! still sad i missed the time you were in california! would’ve loved to show you guys around!! you’ll just have to come back i suppose. heheh

    at this volume

    11th May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Leeda! Sure we’ll have a second round with California, we enjoyed it very much and having the best local guide will be certainly a plus ;)

  6. Kati ADDS...

    What a good year for you guys!

    Have a great day,

    11th May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Kati! Hope this next year bring all of us great things!! ;)

  7. Jane Y. ADDS...

    ah i remember these posts! this is a great recap!! xx so glad i got connected with you. :)

    12th May 2014
  8. Elisse ADDS...

    I just discovered your blog – thanks for leaving a comment Damaris – and wow, I’m overwhelmed. How could I have nòt seen your blog before. The layout, the style, the photographs: I love everything about it! :) Happy blogiversary!

    13th May 2014
    • We reply...

      Thanks Elisse!! It is great that we are now connected.

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