1st anniversary week: the engagement

For years we’ve been both following a young talented photographer who lives in Sitges called Marc Bordons. If you check his tumblr, instagram or portfolio you can notice how his photography has influenced us and what an excellent eye and natural skill he has, and maybe the most important fact about him: lives with a black cat ;)

On 2009 Marc started a new photography adventure with his also so very talented friend Javier Díez, called Díez & Bordons. If you are thinking of hiring a photographer in Spain, we can’t think of a better option! Well, that’s precisely what we did :P so a month after almost launching into the air a table full of food from an Italian restaurant (I’m clumsy, let’s admit that), we contacted Marc for a photo session to celebrate both our 10th dating anniversary and that I just got engaged to an awesome girl.

We were so nervous before starting the session, but Marc turned to be the nicest, you can notice when you talk to him that he is one of the good guys, you know that feeling ;) We spent several hours taking pictures in different locations from Sitges, and I have to say that the experience was great.

At the end of the day we asked him to shot our wedding, and fortunately he had a free spot on his agenda for the day, lucky us!

Damaris looks so pretty and relaxed in all the shots, but you can see in my face that I’m far more comfortable behind the camera than otherwise, hahaha. Unlike in the US, here in Spain it is still not very popular to take photo sessions for engagements, to celebrate love or families, which I think it is a pity because they let the photographers to be more creative getting amazing results. Have you been in a photo session? Did you feel nervous? Tell us your experience and leave us a link to the session, it would be cool to see them.

We leave you in the hands of Marc Bordons, follow us around Sitges!

** This post is part of our wedding series **

Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement Damaris + Dani engagement

Photo credits: Marc Bordons from Díez & Bordons

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  1. becca waterloo ADDS...

    what cute pictures! i love your scarf!


    16th October 2013
    • We reply...

      Thanks Becca! At the end of the day we were freezing so the scarf was really handy for Damaris! We also like the pop of red in the pictures :)

  2. Jane Y. ADDS...

    i am in love with these pictures. the color, mood and captures are so so precious! such a lovely couple you two!! and i love the impossible project too!

    16th October 2013
    • We reply...

      Thank you Jane! Glad you like it! That day we experimented with our Polaroid 1000 & an impossible gadget called the frog’s tongue, that protects the photos from the light while being processed ;)

  3. Marc Bordons ADDS...

    Em fareu plorar!!!

    16th October 2013
    • We reply...

      Ei Marc, gràcies pel comentari i gràcies per les fotos, quin gran record! ;)

  4. Mariko ADDS...

    What beautiful pictures! I’m a little sad that Rick and I decided not to have an engagement session when we got married, but I guess there’s still time for a couple’s photo session. :)

    16th October 2013
    • We reply...

      It is always a good time for a photo session ;) It worths all the nerves and awkwardness of the first minutes (well, in my case maybe almost an hour xD). Just go for it some day! ;)

  5. hena tayeb ADDS...

    Great pictures. Congratulations.

    16th October 2013
    • We reply...

      Thanks!!! ;)

  6. Fiona ADDS...

    eeep, these are so lovely! I like seeing who other people admire or are influenced by, Marc’s portfolio and these photos are amazing but I think your photos are equally as beautiful :) I especially love the hints of red in the photos.

    I’ve never had a professional photo shoot but I imagine I’d be nervous, I love the idea of engagement photos or any photos for that matter, I’m always a bit sad there aren’t that many photos of Ben and I, I’m kind of the only one, out of my friends, who takes pictures and always has a camera :(

    I’m going to guess and hope you guys post your weddings photo!! :) :)

    17th October 2013
    • We reply...

      Thank you so much Fiona, we are so flattered!! I see some possible solutions to have more pictures with Ben: Turn your friends into photo freaks giving them a new camera (quite expensive…), or add new ones, we are available! Come to Barcelona some day ;) btw, your guessing couldn’t be more spot on!

  7. Fiona ADDS...

    lol lol, I like your solutions! You should definitely add Australia to your itinerary list!! You guys would be more than welcome to stay and I’d only charge you in portraits, he he he he. Imagine the fun photos adventures we could have :)

    18th October 2013
    • We reply...

      The photo adventures sound awesome!! :) Australia is definitely a dream trip!

  8. sara ADDS...

    you two,such a sweet couple <3

    20th October 2013
    • We reply...

      ♥ !

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